My favorite time of the year is around the corner...a la vuelta de la esquina! But this year I am going to try to make it even more interesting, since Alex is almost 4 and has more understanding of things I want to explain to him and teach him what Christmas is all about, the true meaning. Many parents let their kids believe that Chirstmas is just Santa Claus, and all the comercialization of the holiday and don'te take the time to teach them.
So tomorrow I've decided to tell Alex the Christmas story, and start explaining as easily as I can what is Christmas. I believe it's better to do it now, before Christmas time starts because then he will be too concerned visits to Santa Claus, house decorations, the Christmas tree and waiting for Santa Claus and wake up one morning with a tree full of presents.
I am going to print out some images, to make the explanation more simple and we'll finger paint; which he loves, to capture his atention, then I'll ask him what does Christmas means to him and then I'll tell him the story of three wise men, and explain to him that is Jesus Birthday Party to make it fun and interesting. After I teach him that, then I'll explain the story of St Nicholas. The importance of all this, is that he understands the true meaning of it and that is not just about "receiving"presents, it's about giving and sharing love.
I am also thinking about going with him to a toy store and buy a gift he will get to choose for another needed kid in the world and deposit it in the Toys 4 Tots box, donated to some charity or something. And of course he will buy Nayeli a present and Nayeli will buy a present for him. I always in every ocasion, like Nayeli's birth, Alex birthday, and Nayeli's baptism, buy something with each of them so they can exchange presents. Alex always gets very excited with what Nayeli gives him, and whatever it is he treasure it and he never forget that his sister "got"him a present.
Christmas is definetly my favorite time of the year! Can't wait to start decorating the house with my kids and hubby and rock around the Chrismtas tree!
Do you like Christmas as much as I do?! Was it easy to explain Christmas to your kids?
Any thoughts on this are appreciated it!
Awww!La Navidad es hermosa! En mi casa acostumbramos a decorar el día después de Acción de Gracias. Llevo todo el año diciéndole cositas a mi bebo de 2 añitos para que se la viva tanto como nosotros. No creo que entienda exactamente de que se trata pero hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo.
Es muy bonita tu idea de que compren algo para regalar a un niño menos afortunado, definitivamente eso les ayudará a atesorar el concepto de dar a otros que necesitan :-)
Gracias por compartir tu idea con respecto a este tema. En casa hay un dilema: me criaron católica pero nada de ferviente ni fiel seguidora. ASisto a la iglesia pero no regularmente. Creo en algunas cosas de la iglesia, en otras no. Mi esposo es alemán, como yo, criando en un hogar católico,pero tampoco ferviente. Es un hombre de mundo y ha estudiando muchas religiones, por lo que no celebra navidad como se suele celebrar aquí, y cree en varias religiones. Este año TENGO que buscar la manera de explicarle todo esto a mi hijo y de darle un significado acorde con nuestras creencias.
Yo no asisto a iglesia regularmente ni nada, me criaron catolica. Pero la Navidad es eso, y es importante que ellos vayan entendiendo q no todo es regalo y Santa Claus, sino q tiene un significado aun mas importante. Gracias por sus comments!
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